Innen & Aussen (2007)
Franke, Neumann, Schmidt, Weinheimer

INNEN & AUSSEN (IN-/SIDE & OUT-/SIDE) The concert and installation piece was performed as the finale concert in the series AlulaTonSerien at the Gallery for Contemporary Art Leipzig, December 15, 2007.

The four performers created a set-up, which functioned instead of a score as their starting point. This set-up was specifically created for the space and dealt with inside-outside relations. Every of the four had his own position and function within the set-up and with each position a certain statement is made about the topic.

The set-up included: a microphone outside (Franke, outside), speakers behind a glass wall, microphone in room 1, feed from Franke and computer (Neumann, room 1), speakers outside and in room 1, two headphones in room 3, microphone, sine wave generator, feed from Franke and computer (Schmidt, room 3), four speakers in room 1, one outside, violin, bass flute with internal microphones and electronics (Weinheimer, room 1)


Projekt: Innen & Aussen